Gender Equality, Equity and Inclusion
Murrindindi Shire Council aims to support a community where everyone can thrive. We recognise that different people face barriers to participation and wellbeing. We are committed to raising awareness about this and working to address the barriers.
Violence against women is a serious and distressing issue in our community, include physical and psychological violence. Research tells us that gender inequality (such as stereotypes or ‘rules’ about how women and men or boys and girls should be) is a key driver of this violence; and communities that are more unequal experience higher levels of violence. So any efforts we make to create a more gender equal community, also help to reduce violence.
Victoria’s first Gender Equality Act came into effect on 31 March 2021. This legislation requires Council to genuinely promote inclusion for people of all genders and identities in our community. This includes children, young and older people, women and girls, trans and gender diverse people, those with disabilities and culturally diverse community members.
In response to the requirements of the Act, Council has now completed an audit of our organisation and developed an action plan. Council's Gender Equality Action Plan is available for viewing. As required by the Gender Equality Act 2020, many of the actions focus on initially strengthening our internal culture and processes, but we will also be continually reviewing programs and services to help ensure they are inclusive for our communities.
We also have resources to help businesses, clubs, and community groups in our Shire to strengthen their inclusion so that all people in our community have the same opportunity to contribute to their communities and to feel like they belong.