Yea Wetlands

Contact: Corinne Border


The Yea Wetlands is approximately 32 hectares of large floodplains on the edge of the Yea township.

The Yea Wetlands Community Asset Committee is made up of volunteers responsible for the preservation and protection of the area’s environmental assets. It also engages in educational activities. It relies on grants and on the voluntary time and effort of the Friends of the Yea Wetlands and other community members. 

The Committee manages the Wetlands vegetation. It engages in planting strategies and activities such as community planting days, and it controls the weeds. A herbarium of the plants indigenous to the Wetlands is in progress.

The Committee also audits and protects fauna species. There are regular surveys of the birds, reptiles and amphibian species and monitoring and control of pest animals. Many nesting boxes have been installed.

The Committee also recognises the social and educational benefits of the Wetlands. It manages and maintains the extensive signage system throughout the Wetlands, and encourages visitors via guided tours, special events and series of seminars on subjects pertaining to the Wetlands environment.  

The activities of the Committee are advertised on its Facebook page and on via the Council website.

The Committee engages with other community groups and organisations including Council, the Catchment Management Authority, Yea High School, the Yea Primary Schools, Yea Rotary, and Yea Cubs and Scouts.