
1. Visitor Resources 

Discover Murrindindi Shire


Murrindindi Shire is located north east of Melbourne and offers a wide range of visitor experiences including nature based activities, food and wine, adventure, touring, culture and heritage, festivals and events. For information on the many great things to see and do in our Shire visit or follow us on Facebook or Instagram @discoverdindi

To keep up to date on our events, activities and latest news sign-up to receive our quarterly Discover Dindi eNews here.

Regional Tourism Brochures / Maps

To download our Discover Dindi Visitor Guide and Township Guides, click here

Regional Tourism Information

For visitor information about our region visit the following websites

For information on upcoming events in Murrindindi Shire click here.  

Great Victorian Rail Trail

The Great Victorian Rail Trail (GVRT) is a 134km multi-use trail that can be experienced on foot, bike or horse. The trail follows the old railway line from Tallarook to Mansfield with a spur line to Alexandra, crossing the three municipalities of Mitchell, Murrindindi and Mansfield. This easily accessible, varied and unique trail offers close proximity to the regions natural attractions including beautiful rivers, majestic valleys, lakes and mountains.

Download the Great Victorian Rail Trail Pocket Guide(PDF, 1019KB), or view Great Victorian Rail Trail map, distances and gradients.

2. Visitor Information Centres

There are four Visitor Information Centres across the Shire, located in Alexandra, Eildon, Marysville and Yea. The Y Water Discovery Centre in Yea and the Marysville Information and Regional Artspace (MiRA) are both accredited centres. The websites listed above also provide a valuable source of information about certain localities within the region.

Location  Address Phone Email
Alexandra  Rotary Park, Grant Street (03) 5772 1100
Eildon Main Street (03) 5774 2805
Marysville Murchison Street (03) 5963 4567
Yea Cnr Hood and High Street (03) 5797 2663

3. Australian Tourism Data Warehouse

The Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) is a central distribution website for the Australian tourism industry, listing product and destination information from all Australian States and Territories. All events listed on the ATDW website will appear on various tourism and travel websites around Australia including Tourism Victoria's official consumer website and regional tourism organisation's websites. They will also appear on Council’s Calendar of Events web page and in the What’s On Murrindindi e-newsletter.

There are many benefits to listing your event on ATDW

  • details are entered only once
  • updates can be made any time by Event Organisers
  • up to 10 images are allowed and you will gain free maximum exposure for your event

Listing on ATDW eliminates the need for Event Organisers to submit an application form to Council to be included in the Calendar of Events brochure - all details for events held in Murrindindi will be exported from the ATDW website and included in the brochure.

To list your event now, go to the ATDW website.

For a quick, easy guide to uploading your events on ATDW, download our 'how to' fact sheet(PDF, 176KB) or check out the ATDW Introduction video.

4. Tourism and Events Strategy

The Murrindindi Shire Tourism and Events Strategy 2019-2025(PDF, 4MB) provides stakeholders with a sound basis from which to make decisions relating to tourism and events and seeks to grow visitation and length of stay. The Strategy also provides guidance and recommendations on how to get the best value from limited resources in efforts to grow tourism and to encourage the development of events.