Rates forms and documents
Click on the accordion sections to access the forms or information that you require.
Application for contact details for an adjoining property
Council can only provide the name and mailing address of adjoining property owners for the purpose of fencing enquiries.
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Application for variation in rural rating
This form allows you to list properties which you wish to be rated as Rural 1.
The properties must be farmed as a single enterprise;
The properties must total 40 hectares in area;
Each property must be more than 2 hectares in size;
The properties must be all primarily used for farm purposes*.
*As defined under the Valuations of Land Act 1960, land used primarily for carrying on one or more of the following businesses or industries, grazing (including agistment), dairying, pig farming, poultry-farming, fish farming, tree farming, bee keeping, viticulture, horticulture, fruit growing, the growing of crops of any kind.
The council may require further information in order to determine whether this application complies with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1989.
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Application for land to be made non rateable
The following information must be provided to Council for the purpose of assessing the rateability of the land in question. It will not be disclosed to anyone except Council's employees, contractos and advisers, or as required by law. The applicant is required to answer all parts of the document.
The property described includes the land and any buildings and/or other structures erected on the property and, likewise, a reference to "land' includes the buildings and/or structures on the land.
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Application to receive your rate notices via email
Application for subdivided vacant land differential rate rebate form
Murrindindi Shire Council adopted a new Rating Strategy on 25 March 2015 – which included the introduction of a differential rate to be added to Council’s rating category structure, that is to be applied to land that is identified as vacant and developable.
Vacant land is defined as:
Any land which is located in Council’s defined residential, commercial, rural living or industrial zones for planning purposes that is currently undeveloped.
Undeveloped land is broadly classified as land not containing an approved, habitable structure, or land that has not been developed for the purpose of commercial or industrial use.
Land that satisfies the above criteria will pay 150% of the general (residential) rate.
The new differential has been included in Council 2015-16 Budget adopted 27 May 2015, and will be first applied the rating year 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016.
Subdivided Vacant Land Differential Rate Rebate:
A rebate of the vacant land differential applies to vacant land that is the subject of a subdivision and that would otherwise attract the vacant land differential rate.
This rebate recognises the investment committed to a subdivision by a developing land holder and the holding cost of the subdivided lots prior to transfer or sale. The rebate is designed to remove a potential disincentive to subdivisional development of vacant developable land that a vacant land differential on multiple lots within a subdivision may cause.
The rebate is to apply from the time at which a Statement of Compliance is issued by the Council for the subdivision (if after 1 July 2015), to the time at which the ownership (title) of the vacant subdivided land is transferred to a new owner. If a Statement of Compliance has been issued prior to 1 July 2015, the rebate will only be applied from the 1 July in the year the application is received.
To apply for a Subdivided Vacant Land Differential Rate Rebate, ratepayers must complete and return this Application for Rate Rebate which must include a copy of the Statement of Compliance for the subdivision and a plan of the subdivision to which the Statement of Compliance applies.
All sections of this form must be completed to allow your application to be processed. You should note that Council may ask you for additional information in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989 (as amended).
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Change of personal details
Council must be notified in writing if you are a resident, business or community group and have changed your name, address or contact details to ensure that all future correspondence is forwarded accordingly.
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Direct debit application
This form is used to request Council deduct money from your financial institution (Debit Authority) for the payment of Rates and charges on your property.
The amount deducted is to ensure that all rates and charges are paid in full by 31 May of each year.
Once form has been submitted, a Rates Unit team member may call you to discuss your deduction choice.
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Land information certificate application form
Before completing this form, please ensure you have the ‘Certificate of Title’ to attach/upload as part of your application.
If you are applying for a 'Land Information Certificate' for more than one property, you will need to complete a separate application for each property.
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Municipal charge exemption application for single farm enterprise
This form has been prepared to facilitate applications by persons seeking exemption from the Municipal Charge for Single Farm Enterprises.
All sections of this form must be completed to allow your application to be processed. You should note that Council may ask you for additional information in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989 (as amended).
You must notify the councils if the circumstances relating to your application change, as this may affect your eligibility for the exemption.
The properties are farmed as a single enterprise.
The properties are all each more than 2 hectares in size.
The properties are all used primarily for farm purposes.
The properties are all occupied by the same person or persons.
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Municipal charge exemption application for single farm enterprise - Fire Services Levy
Where multiple parcels of farm land are used to operate a single farming enterprise, a person may only be required to pay the fixed charge once by applying for the single farming enterprise exemption.
This form is to request that the properties detailed be considered a single farm enterprise for calculating the Fire Services Property Levy (FSPL) in accordance with the Fire Services Property Levy Act .
You must notify the councils if the circumstances relating to your application change, as this may affect your eligibility for the exemption.
All of the land is farmland.
All of the properties are occupied by the same person(s) and are farmed as a single enterprise.
Each property is used to carry on a single business of primary production that has a significant and substantial commercial purpose or character that seeks to make a profit on a continuous or repetitive basis from its activities on the land.
The business is making a profit from its activities on the land or has a reasonable prospect of making a profit from its activities on the land if it continues to operate in the way that it is operating.
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Rates concession application form
Rates/valuation objection - how to lodge
Rates/valuation objection - residential property
There are two ways to submit a Rating valuation objection, through the online portal provided by the State Government, or manually filling out and returning the form below:
Submit Online
Download Paper Form(DOC, 80KB)
Rates/valuation objection - rural property
There are two ways to submit a Rating valuation objection, through the online portal provided by the State Government, or manually filling out and returning the form below:
Submit Online
Download Paper Form(DOC, 82KB)
Rates/valuation objection form - commercial/industrial property
There are two ways to submit a Rating valuation objection, through the online portal provided by the State Government, or manually filling out and returning the form below:
Submit Online
Download Paper Form(DOC, 86KB)
Reallocation of rates charges application
This form can be used to request council to redirect the rates charges for this property to another individual or entitiy.
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Revenue and rates Plan 2021-2024
Your rates explained 2023-2024