About Youth Services

About Youth Services.png

Youth Services are delivered under the following six themes:

Health and Wellbeing

Council's Youth Services support the healthy development of young people. All programs encourage personal development and positive outcomes for participants. Youth Services continually partners with groups and organisations to promote and improve the health and wellbeing of young people. 

Employment and Enterprise

Council employs a skilled workforce to deliver the seasonal pool program between November and March annually. Young people from the age of 16 are eligible to become qualified lifeguards. Each year there is upwards of 25 positions available across four locations.

The FReeZA and Engage! programs provide opportunities for young people to have direct experience in the music and performing arts industries while gaining project management, marketing and team work skills. Young people develop confidence and capabilities through participation in our Youth Services programs which assist in establishing educational and career pathways.

Our service partners also provide opportunities for small business establishment, job readiness and industry work experience.

Local Learning and Employment Network 

Youth Central

Individual Support

The Youth Services team understand the challenges faced by young people in navigating and balancing education, employment, social and family life. We have strong relationships with local specialist services and can support referral when required.

There are some great online services available for young people and their care providers, including:

Youth Services Directory

Kids Help Line

Youth Beyond Blue


Nexus Primary Health

The Bridge Youth Service

Music and Arts

The FReeZA program provides opportunities for young people to organise and enjoy live band gigs, dance parties and other cultural and artistic events. FReeZA events are inclusive drug, alcohol, vape and smoke-free, and are held in supervised and safe venues.

FReeZA supports young people to take an active role in designing, organising and managing community events. Council's Youth team are on hand to mentor young people with their programs and projects. Gaining experience as a volunteer increases individual confidence and supports building strong relationships with peers and networks, local businesses, schools and other community organisations.

To find out more about the FReeZA program, head to FReeZa Youth Development Program.  

Recreation and Adventure

In partnership with local organisations, Council supports young people to experience challenging and enjoyable activities in a range of environments.

Community Leadership

Our Youth Services team believes in every young person's leadership ability. Our programs build confidence and personal development in all participants to support their active involvement in projects, teams and social environments.