
Privacy Policy

Click here(PDF, 213KB) to download Murrindindi Shire Council's Privacy Policy. 

Personal Information

Any personal information collected, handled, stored or disclosed about you through our online services shall be managed in accordance with the Road Safety Act 1986, Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and the Health Records Act 2001.

Personal information means information or an opinion that is recorded about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion.

Collection and use of personal information

We only collect and record personal information that is provided directly to us that is necessary for us to perform our functions or activities

Vehicle Registration Enquiry

When seeking information on personal registration information held by Vic Roads, Council has to sign a confidentiality agreement. Council, by signing that agreement, agrees that the information will only be used and disclosed in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in that agreement.

Council may access registration information through the Vic Roads Vehicle Registration Enquiry (VRE) portal only for genuine operational needs of Council staff carrying out their official duties.  This could include things such as the issuing of fines or determining ownership of a vehicle requiring towing.  Council will not use the VRE portal for any other purpose.


Council may disclose personal information to Vic Roads in the course of its official duties. Similarly, information from Vic Roads may be disclosed to Council for carrying out its required duties.