
Council adopted its Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan(PDF, 2MB) (RAP) on 14 December 2022.

Reconciliation Australia’s RAP Framework provides organisations with a structured approach to advance reconciliation. There are four RAP types – Reflect, Innovate, Stretch and Elevate. Each type of RAP is designed to suit an organisation at different stages on their reconciliation journey.

The adoption of the RAP demonstrates Council’s commitment to strengthening our relationships and partnerships with Australia’s First Nations peoples and provides a strategic framework to drive Council’s contribution to reconciliation.

The 12-month plan, developed by Council’s internal working group, in partnership with Reconciliation Australia and in consultation with the Taungurung Land and Waters Council and Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation, will help foster deeper connections between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Council, and the wider community.

The plan initially focuses on the delivery of actions that will support further reconciliation initiatives. This includes identifying key people, organisations and groups that we can engage and collaborate with on our reconciliation journey and involves establishing Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander representation on the working group, so our work can be further guided by First Nations perspectives and experiences.

From there, we’ll begin working on a range of internal actions, including the review of policies, systems and procedures relating to employment, procurement and participation. We’ll also focus on strengthening relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, organisations and Traditional Owner groups, and provide opportunities for cultural training to enhance our staff’s understanding of First Nations cultures, including by raising awareness of NAIDOC Week and Reconciliation Week.

The plan has been formally endorsed by Reconciliation Australia and adopted by Council.

Council's Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan(PDF, 2MB)