Rates notice explained


Note: This example has been prepared as a guide only, the information and figures may not be a true reflection of a current rates notice.


1. Rating year: The period relating to this notice, effective from 1 July to 30 June each year.

2. Assessment No.: Council’s identification of your property.

3. Property Reference: 6-digit number used for payments made electronically

4. Property Valuation Details:

  • Capital Improve Value (CIV): Value of the property which takes into account the land and improvements fixed to the land.
  • Site Value (SV): Value of the land excluding improvements. The rates and charges you pay are based on the (CIV) of the property.

5. Particulars of rates and charges: The Capital Improved Value (CIV) is used to calculate differential rates on property types, as detailed below. Rates are charged as cents in the $ of the CIV.

  • General / Residential rate: Charged at a differential rate of 0.001915 cents in the $ of the CIV
  • Commercial/Industrial rate: Charged at a differential rate of 0.002393 cents in the $ of the CIV
  • Rural 1 rate: Rateable land not less than 40 hectares. Charged at a differential rate of 0.001340 cents in the $ of the CIV
  • Rural 2 rate: Rateable land greater than 4 hectares and less than 40 hectares. Charged at a differential rate of 0.001895 cents in the $ of the CIV
  • Vacant Developable Land: Vacant Land, located within defined Council planning zones that is currently undeveloped. Charged at a differential rate of 0.003829 cents in the $ of the CIV
  • Municipal charge: An equal charge that is applied to each rateable property to allow recovery of part of the administrative costs of operating the Council. Administrative programs such as finance, asset management, information systems, corporate records, human resources and governance will be supported by this revenue.
  • Garbage charge: Garbage collection service charge
  • Recycling charge: Recycling collection service charge
  • *Includes State Government Landfill Levy: Waste service charges are calculated on a cost recovery basis. Included in the cost is the State Government Landfill levy which is an amount payable for each tonne deposited at landfill sites. It was introduced by the State Government to provide additional and ongoing funding to support efforts by government, industry and the community to reduce waste. Landfill levies create an incentive for waste generators to investigate ways to reduce the amount of waste they generate and dispose of to landfill. Council has no control on the value of the levy, as it is calculated by the number of fee units and the value of a fee unit is set by the Treasurer of Victoria each financial year.

6. Fire Services Levy: State Government charges collected by Council. This levy is made up of a fixed charge and a variable charge which is calculated on the CIV.

7. Total Amount Due: This is the total amount due on your account (including any unpaid rates and charges). If you have any unpaid rates and charges, contact the Rates Department prior to making your final payment to obtain the total of the accrued interest.

8. Instalment Payments: Your rates and charges amount due in instalments by the respective dates. Payment of the 1st instalment must be received by 30 September each year to be eligible for the instalment payment system. Late payments will incur interest charges.