A Planning Certificate provides information about the zonings and if applicable, overlays that exist on a property.
Council no longer issues planning certificates. The Minister for Planning (DELWP) issues all planning certificates relating to land in the Murrindindi Shire.
To apply for a planning certificate you can apply online at landata.vic.gov.au and follow the link titled 'Purchase property certificates for buyers and sellers'.
For further information relating to planning certificates please contact LANDATA on (03) 8636 2456 or by email landata.enquiries@delwp.vic.gov.au, or click here to visit the website.
The Bushfire Management Overlay includes properties located in bushfire hazard areas. If your property is in the Bushfire Management Overlay you will need a planning permit unless an exemption applies. There are exemptions for outbuildings under 100m2 and dwelling extensions that increase a dwelling by 50% or less.
A streamlined planning permit approval process applies to single dwellings that comply with the simple bushfire protection measures outlined in the Bushfire Management Overlay Schedules.
For more information go to planning.vic.gov.au or contact Council's Planning Unit on (03) 5772 0333 for advice on the planning process and what you will need to do to build or develop your land.
Council's Heritage Study was adopted on 27 February 2012.
Additions to the Heritage Overlay must be done through an amendment to the Murrindindi Planning Scheme. This involves consultation with all parties who may have an interest in the amendment, or may be affected by it.
Usually, an amendment is placed on public exhibition for at least one month giving all parties the opportunity to make submissions which the Council must try to resolve. If there are submissions which cannot be resolved by the Council, the Minister for Planning will appoint an independent panel to consider submissions before the proposed amendment can proceed.
Contact the planning department on (03) 5772 0333 for more information in relation to the heritage study.
Councils are responsible for ensuring that places of historical or cultural value are protected through their planning schemes.
Heritage overlays control, identify and protect significant heritage places and precincts. To determine such places of heritage value a heritage study is usually conducted.
If a property is subject to a Heritage Overlay, a planning permit is required to:
- subdivide or consolidate land
- demolish or remove a building (including a part of a building)
- construct a building (including part of a building)
- externally alter a building
- construct or display a sign
- externally paint a building (in certain situations)
- remove, prune or lop a tree (in certain situations)
For a heritage listing of places within the Murrindindi Shire or to obtain a copy of the Heritage Planning Guidelines contact Council's planning department on (03) 5772 0333.
Council can provide the following certificates to prospective buyers:
Building Form 10 Certificate - details buildings or structures that may have been built on the land in the last 10 years including inspections conducted.
Building Property Responses - provide information on, termites, flood prone area and wind speeds. Further information and applications for these certificates can be found by visiting the dwelling and property information page.
Land Information Certificates - are issued by Council's Rates Department and provide details of property valuation and rates outstanding. It may also include subdivision monies in relation to public open space that may be owing. Visit the land information certificates page for further information and to apply for this certificate.