Council launches program to tackle roadside weeds

Published on 08 December 2023

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Murrindindi Shire Council’s annual Rural Roadside Weed Control Program is now underway, thanks to funding from the Victorian Government's Roadside Weed and Pest Program.

The Program aims to protect the natural environment and biodiversity of our roadsides from invasive weeds. Management of woody weeds also reduces fuel loads on our roadsides to help with fire prevention.

In line with the Victorian Government’s funding criteria, the Program will focus on Municipal Roadside Reserves and is targeting Regionally Prohibited Weeds (such as Ragwort) and Regionally Controlled Weeds (such as Blackberry). Management methods include spot spraying and 'cut and paint’ techniques.

Council prioritises which rural roadsides will receive weed control based on different factors, including available budget, the conservation value of roadside vegetation and habitat, level of threat posed by specific weeds, risk to neighbouring agricultural properties and significant conservation areas, community and agency efforts, and Council’s previous investment in managing Regionally Controlled Weeds on roadsides.

The funding Council receives from the Victorian Government is equally supplemented by our existing budget and was secured via a competitive grant application made by Council. Council also allocates funding towards the management of undeclared weeds on our roadsides, and in reserves and bushland, including Holly, Ivy, Honeysuckle, Spanish Heath, and Prunus, to name a few.

Contractors will be carrying out weed control activities on roadsides from December through to March. Motorists are urged to be mindful of these works, pay attention to and follow traffic signage advice and reduce speed, where required, when travelling around the Shire.

Council’s Roadside Weed Control Program applies to Council-managed roads but does not apply to the major road infrastructure managed by VicRoads. Click here for more information on which roads are managed by VicRoads.

Click here for a list of roadsides that are part of the 2023-24 Program.

For more information, please contact the Council's Environmental Programs Unit on (03) 5772 0333.

Murrindindi Shire Council’s Sustainability, Assets and Emergency Management Portfolio Cr Karine Haslam said “We are very grateful to the State Government for providing this funding opportunity. We are committed to preserving and enhancing the natural beauty and diversity of Murrindindi Shire and the Roadside Weed Control Program helps manage invasive species that can harm our native flora and fauna. We encourage our community to support this program and take part by controlling weeds on private property. If we work together, we can make a difference for our environment."

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