Standing for Council

Local democracy hinges on the need Council to represent the diverse needs and aspirations of our local communities.

This year’s Council elections are an opportunity for Murrindindi Shire community members to elect the candidates who they think best represent, at the local level, their vision and interests for a better, stronger and more sustainable future.

Murrindindi Shire Council elects seven Councillors for a four-year term. Councillors are responsible for setting policy and providing vision and strategic direction to the organisation. Councillors meet regularly through briefings and officially at monthly Scheduled and Unscheduled Council Meetings.

You can find out more about becoming a local Council candidate and the nomination process by visiting the VEC website and reading the Candidate Handbook.

Mandatory Candidate Training

Under the Local Government Act 2020, candidates have to undertake mandatory candidate training when considering standing for Council, which will help candidates understand what is involved in becoming a councillor. 

Candidates must complete the course to be eligible to nominate with the Victorian Electoral Commission. This includes all serving or former councillors intending to nominate.

The course ensures candidates fully understand the role of a councillor and its requirements and should take around an hour to complete.

Local Government Victoria Candidate Training