Eildon Reserves Redevelopment in full swing

Published on 04 June 2024

Eildon Reserves Redevelopment - Skate Park.png

The Eildon Reserves Redevelopment is in full swing! Construction of the skate park is complete and it is open for use. Please be mindful of the topsoil and seed to give the grass the best opportunity to grow.

Works continue on the senior play space, flying fox, swing set playground and toilet block. The toilet block is undergoing a significant upgrade, providing access for all abilities and incorporating a new change area. It is closed until the upgrades are complete.

Construction of the adventure playground, splash park, BBQ shelter and minor footpath and landscaping works is scheduled for completion over the coming months. We're aiming for the whole project to be complete by mid-December this year.

Click here for more information about the project.

This $6.1 million project is made possible with funding from the Victorian State Government’s Regional Tourism Investment Fund, Local Sport Infrastructure Fund and Changing Places Fund, and the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Fund. Council’s $1.493 million contribution includes the proceeds from the future sale of two parcels of underused land in the Eildon township.

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